• November 07, 2023
    Garage Door Openers-Reviewed

    Garage Door Opener Reviews: Choosing the Right Opener

    When it comes to garage door openers, one size does not fit all. Selecting the right garage door opener is essential to ensure the longevity, efficiency, and safety of your garage door system. At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we understand the importance of this decision, and we are here to help you make the best choice. In this article, we will explore the various types of garage door openers and provide you with insights to make an informed decision.

    Types of Garage Door Openers

    Screw-Drive Openers

    Screw-drive openers, a classic in the world of garage door automation, have been around for roughly 45 years. While they once enjoyed a reputation for their durability, their design eventually revealed a crucial flaw - the necessity for regular maintenance. In the late 60s and 70s, Genie used robust steel in their screw-drive trolley design, resulting in resilient machines that ran almost indefinitely, even without consistent greasing. However, as time passed, the quality of materials declined.

    The switch to lighter-grade steel negatively affected the openers' lifespan, reducing it to a mere 4-5 years, even with regular greasing. All-Pro's official opinion on screw-drive openers is clear: it's wise to steer clear of them. These openers represent old technology with updated materials, hardly a choice you'd make for your grandmother. With numerous modern alternatives available, screw-drive openers no longer meet the standards of efficiency and durability expected in today's market.

    Chain-Drive Openers

    Chain-drive openers have a long history and have come a long way since their inception. While they faced early challenges, particularly with models like the Craftsman sold by Sears, modern chain-drive openers have become a reliable and practical choice for many homeowners. The Liftmaster 1300 series chain-drive openers, in particular, have proven themselves as dependable workhorses.

    These openers can handle a wide variety of door types, from heavy wooden doors to lighter steel ones, be it sectional or one-piece. They are powerful and require relatively low maintenance. Chamberlain, the manufacturer behind Liftmaster, has made significant improvements to address noise concerns. Innovations such as the chain spreader, the shift from steel to nylon worm gears to reduce heat on helical gears, and the removal of two tension springs on the inner trolley have contributed to quieter operation.

    The components of these machines are designed to handle the motor's output effectively. The result is that, in most cases, a 1/2 hp model is more than sufficient to lift the door. Maintenance is straightforward, typically requiring the lubrication of two nylon gears inside the motor case every seven years. The Liftmaster #1346 (1/3 hp) and #1356 (1/2 hp) have earned a reputation for their reliability and performance over the last two decades, making them excellent choices for your garage door needs.

    Belt-Drive Openers

    Belt-drive openers represent a quieter and more refined option for homeowners seeking a garage door opener. With various manufacturers in the market, All-Pro Quality Garage Doors recommends sticking with reliable brands like Liftmaster. However, it's crucial to recognize that belt-drive openers are specific to certain door types and may not work optimally with one-piece doors.

    There are two key categories of belt-drives: AC and DC models. AC models, such as the formula I or #3280, offer a quieter operation compared to chain-drive openers. However, they tend to lack the power and other features that make DC models superior. DC motor belt-drive openers, especially those from Liftmaster, are known for their quiet operation and several other advantages.

    The most significant benefit of DC motors is their ability to provide a slow start and stop, reducing the clunky and noisy nature of traditional openers. They also offer the convenience of a battery backup, ensuring your garage door functions even during power outages.

    In summary, while AC motor belt-drives are quieter, they might not be as suitable for the long-term and demanding needs of a garage door. In contrast, DC motor belt-drive openers offer enhanced performance, quieter operation, and added convenience, making them an excellent choice for most homeowners. Make the right choice to ensure your garage door opener provides both reliability and peace of mind.

    Jack-Shaft (Direct Drive) Openers

    A unique solution for specific garage settings, the Jack-Shaft or Direct Drive opener, such as the Liftmaster #3800, presents a distinct alternative to traditional ceiling-mounted openers. The #3800 is designed to mount on the torsion tube, making it a suitable choice for situations where standard ceiling-mounted openers might not be feasible. One of its standout features is its remarkably quiet operation, ideal for spaces where noise might be a concern, such as garages with rooms above them or where silence is essential.

    This opener is perfect for those who have low beams or need to install a loft or storage shelving, as it removes the vibration associated with typical ceiling-mounted openers. The Liftmaster #3800 is specifically designed for sectional doors and can effortlessly handle doors up to 13 feet high. This model has been a reliable and efficient alternative since 2004, making it an appealing option for customers looking for unique solutions for their garage door needs.

    Choosing the Right Garage Door Opener

    Selecting the ideal garage door opener is a pivotal decision that directly influences the functionality, longevity, and overall convenience of your garage door system. To make the best choice, consider the specific requirements of your garage, the type of door you have, and your preferences regarding noise levels and maintenance. All-Pro Quality Garage Doors is here to provide expert guidance and a range of options to ensure you make an informed choice.

    Your garage door opener should be a tailored solution that matches your door type and meets your unique needs. Here's a recap of some key points to consider:

    1. Door Type: The type of garage door you have significantly impacts your opener choice. Different openers are better suited to specific door types, such as sectional doors, one-piece doors, or heavily insulated doors. Make sure your opener is compatible with your door type.

    2. Noise Considerations: If noise is a concern, you might want to opt for a quieter belt-drive or DC motor belt-drive opener. These models offer smooth and quiet operation, reducing disturbances in your home.

    3. Maintenance: Consider the level of maintenance you're willing to undertake. Chain-drive openers require some maintenance, while DC motor belt-drive openers have minimal maintenance requirements. Assess your willingness and ability to perform maintenance tasks.

    4. Longevity and Reliability: Look for models that have a reputation for durability and reliability. All-Pro Quality Garage Doors recommends reliable brands like Liftmaster for peace of mind.

    5. Backup Power: If power outages are common in your area, consider an opener with a battery backup to ensure your garage door can still function during blackouts.

    By considering these factors and working with All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, you can select an opener that seamlessly integrates with your garage door and provides years of reliable service. Your garage door opener plays a critical role in the security and convenience of your home, so make this choice wisely to enjoy hassle-free operation for years to come.


    Selecting the right garage door opener is a critical decision that impacts the performance and longevity of your garage door system. At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we provide a wide range of garage door opener options, installation, maintenance, and repair services to help you make the best choice and ensure your garage door operates seamlessly for years to come. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and find the perfect garage door opener for your home.

  • October 18, 2023
    Garage Door Tune-up

    Garage Door Tune-up with All-Pro Quality Garage Doors

    Garage doors are a significant part of our homes, but they often don't receive the attention they deserve. A properly maintained garage door not only adds to the aesthetics of your home but also ensures safety and convenience. In this article, we will explore the importance of garage door maintenance. As well as how All-Pro Quality Garage Doors can help your garage door remain in top shape.

    Understanding Garage Door Tune-up

    The Misconceptions Surrounding "Tune-up"

    Many homeowners may hold misconceptions about what a "tune-up" for a garage door actually entails. Some might believe that it's a simple process, while others might think it's unnecessary. In reality, a garage door tune-up is a comprehensive maintenance service that involves much more than just a quick fix.

    Dishonest Companies and Overcharging

    Unfortunately, there are dishonest companies in the garage door service industry that overcharge for simple maintenance tasks. This underscores the importance of finding a reputable and trustworthy company for your garage door needs.

    The Need for Genuine Maintenance

    A genuine garage door maintenance service ensures the longevity of your garage door and safeguards your family and property. It's an investment in both convenience and safety.

    Yearly Maintenance and General Service

    "Yearly Maintenance" vs. General Service

    Yearly maintenance is essential for every garage door. It includes a series of checks, adjustments, and replacements that keep the system running smoothly. General service should be a part of every maintenance visit, but understanding the distinction is crucial.

    The Inclusion of General Service in Every Visit

    A reputable garage door service provider like All-Pro Quality Garage Doors includes general service in every maintenance visit. This encompasses a wide range of tasks that ensure your door operates at its best.

    Addressing Specific Concerns during General Service

    If you have specific concerns about your garage door, don't hesitate to communicate us. A good maintenance service provider should address your concerns to guarantee the proper functioning of your door.

    Importance of Clear Communication

    Clear communication between you and the service provider is vital. It ensures that we meet your needs and expectations, and promptly address any issues.

    When You Need a Garage Door Tune-up

    Purchasing a New Home: A Fresh Start

    If you recently purchased a new home, it's the perfect time for a garage door tune-up. This sets a solid foundation for the maintenance of your garage door system.

    The Limitations of Home Inspectors

    While home inspectors provide valuable insights, they may not thoroughly examine the garage door. A professional tune-up can reveal hidden issues.

    Recognizing Signs of Garage Door Issues

    Common signs of garage door issues include strange noises, slow or uneven movements, or visible wear and tear. These signs should prompt you to consider a garage door tune-up.

    Types of Garage Doors and Their Maintenance

    One-Piece Garage Doors

    For one-piece garage doors, maintenance involves lubricating pivot points, replacing worn hinges and springs. As well as waterproofing and paint to protect against the elements.

    Steel Sectional Doors

    Steel sectional doors require straightening and adjusting hinges, addressing common misconceptions about wear and tear, and understanding spring breakage.

    Keeping Your Garage Door Safe and Reliable

    Monitoring for Unusual Sounds and Movements

    Regularly monitoring your garage door for unusual sounds or movements can help you identify potential problems before they become major issues.

    Prioritize Safety Over Bargains

    For to your garage door, prioritize safety over bargains. Quality maintenance is an investment in your family's well-being.

    The Expertise of All-Pro Quality Garage Doors

    All-Pro Quality Garage Doors is your trusted partner in maintaining the safety and reliability of your garage door. Our dedicated team of experts provides top-notch service.

    Trusting Professionals with Your Garage Door Maintenance

    In conclusion, regular garage door maintenance is essential to ensure safety and peace of mind. Trusting professionals like All-Pro Quality Garage Doors can guarantee the reliability of your garage door.


    We cannot overstate the importance of regular garage door maintenance. It's not just about keeping your garage door in good working order. It's about ensuring the safety of your family and the security of your property.

    All-Pro Quality Garage Doors is your partner in this journey, providing reliable and trustworthy service. Schedule your garage door tune-up today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained garage door.

  • September 26, 2023
    Garage Door Opener Safety Standards

    Your Guide to Garage Door Opener Safety Standards

    Your garage door serves as the gateway to your home. Ensuring its safety is not just a matter of convenience but also a legal obligation. At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we are committed to keeping you informed about garage door opener safety standards.

    Did you know that the law requires your garage door to be safe? Let's explore the legal and safety aspects that you need to know.

    Legal Requirements: Garage Doors and Safety Standards

    If your garage door opener was manufactured before 1993, it may not conform to the current federal safety standards. However, it's crucial to understand that this doesn't necessarily make it illegal. Instead, these older models must pass a specific safety test. The older door must reverse upon contact with a two-inch block placed on the floor.

    Safety Standards: Modern Garage Door Opener Features

    Modern garage door openers come equipped with an array of safety features to protect you and your loved ones. Here are some key components of these safety standards:

    1. Contact Reversal

    When a garage door opener comes into contact with a two-inch block on the floor, it should immediately reverse its movement. This ensures that any obstruction in the door's path is detected and addressed promptly.

    2. Safety Beams

    Most contemporary garage door openers incorporate safety beams. These are positioned a few inches above the garage floor and emit an invisible beam. If this beam is broken by an object or person, the opener will automatically reverse its operation. This feature is particularly important to prevent accidents involving pets or children.

    3. RPM Sensor

    RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) sensors are an intelligent addition to modern garage door openers. They monitor the speed of the motor and can detect any abnormal changes. If the motor operates at an unusual speed when encountering an obstruction, the RPM sensor will signal the opener to reverse its action.

    4. Timer

    Another safeguard feature is the timer. If your garage door doesn't close within a specific time frame, the opener will automatically initiate a reversal. This helps prevent situations where the door might become stuck, ensuring your safety.

    5. Safety Eyes

    Safety eyes are positioned at a height of 4-6 inches above the garage floor. These are the external entrapment-sensing devices mentioned earlier. If something or someone interrupts the beam path between the two safety eyes, the garage door opener will immediately auto-reverse.

    The Risks of Older Doors: RPM Sensors and Friction Clutches

    Older garage doors, especially those lacking RPM sensors, rely on a friction clutch mechanism. This older technology tends to stick if not regularly tested or serviced. As a result, older doors may not provide the same level of safety as modern models. Upgrading to a newer garage door opener with advanced safety features is a wise investment in your family's well-being.

    Safety First: Trust All-Pro Quality Garage Doors

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we take garage door safety seriously. Our commitment is not just to meet but to exceed the safety standards set by law. Our modern garage door openers are equipped with the latest safety features, ensuring reliable and secure operation.

    Your garage door is not just an entry point; it's a crucial part of your home's safety. If you have an older garage door opener or any concerns about the safety of your current system, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

    We are here to provide you with expert advice, top-quality products, and unparalleled service to keep your home and loved ones safe. Trust All-Pro Quality Garage Doors for all your garage door needs. Your safety is our top priority.

    Compliance and Testing

    In the United States, all garage door openers must adhere to these safety standards, which are enforced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). To ensure compliance with these safety requirements it's essential to purchase a garage door opener from a reputable provider like All-Pro Quality Garage Doors.

    To guarantee your garage door opener's ongoing safety, the CPSC recommends regular testing. You can find detailed instructions on how to test your garage door opener on their website. This proactive approach ensures that your garage door opener continues to provide the safety and convenience you rely on.

    Secure Your Home with All-Pro Quality Garage Doors

    Your garage door is more than just an entrance; it's a vital component of your home's security and safety. Understanding and adhering to garage door opener safety standards is both a legal requirement and a responsible choice for homeowners.

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we prioritize your safety and convenience. Our modern garage door openers incorporate the latest safety features, exceeding the mandated standards. Whether you have an older garage door or need to upgrade to a safer system, we have you covered.

    Trust us for expert advice, top-quality products, and unparalleled service. Your peace of mind is our mission.

  • September 22, 2023
    Garage Door Trends 2023: What's new and what's here to stay?

    Many people overlook the garage door as part of a home's overall aesthetic in home improvement projects. However, it's time to change that perspective.

    Your garage door can make a dramatic impact on your home's curb appeal, and homeowners are increasingly recognizing this fact. In 2023, we are witnessing exciting garage door trends. These trends help boost the value of your property.

    Let's dive into the top garage door trends of 2023 and discover how you can elevate your home's appearance!

    Top Garage Door Trends of 2023

    1. Custom Colors and Unique Finishes

    Say goodbye to dull and boring garage doors. In 2023, homeowners are embracing the opportunity to personalize their garage doors with custom colors and unique finishes. Whether you prefer a vibrant hue that complements your home's exterior or a sleek matte finish, the possibilities are endless. Customizing your garage door allows you to express your style and make a statement.

    2. Swing and Sliding Garage Doors

    Garage doors are not just for rolling up anymore. Swing and sliding garage doors are making a comeback in 2023. These alternative designs provide a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your home. They also offer convenience, making it easier to access your garage space without the need for traditional upward-opening doors.

    3. Sleek Contemporary Design

    Minimalism and modern aesthetics are in demand this year. Homeowners are gravitating towards sleek and contemporary garage door designs that exude elegance and simplicity. Minimal, modern doors have clean lines, minimal hardware, and a focus on geometric shapes. They perfectly complement modern home architecture.

    4. Carriage House Garage Doors

    For those who appreciate a touch of nostalgia and classic charm, carriage house garage doors are making a resurgence. These doors combine timeless aesthetics with modern functionality. They often feature decorative hardware, crossbuck panels, and the look of swinging barn doors. This style adds a rustic and inviting feel to your home.

    5. Customization

    Customization is a buzzword in the garage door industry for 2023. Homeowners want garage doors that are tailored to their specific preferences and needs. Whether it's unique panel designs, decorative hardware, or personalized windows, customization ensures that your garage door is one-of-a-kind.

    6. Full-View or Full Glass Garage Doors

    Bringing natural light into your garage is a trend that continues to gain momentum in 2023. Full-view or full glass garage doors are the perfect solution. These doors not only flood your garage with sunlight but also create a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. They are especially popular in contemporary and urban settings.

    7. Bold Colors, Synthetic Woodgrain, and Wood Trim

    Bold and vibrant colors are taking center stage in 2023. Say farewell to the monotony of neutral tones.

    Additionally, garage doors with synthetic woodgrain finishes and real wood trim are all the rage. They provide the warmth of wood without the maintenance hassles.

    Finally, steel and insulated steel doors with wood accents are also gaining popularity.

    What Isn't Trending in 2023

    Dull and boring colors and vinyl garage doors are not trending in 2023. Homeowners are looking for garage doors that enhance their home's character, not ones that fade into the background.

    What about Next Year? Garage Door Trends 2024

    But what about next year? It's clear that many of these trends will continue to evolve and shape the garage door industry. Customization, contemporary designs, and bold colors are likely to remain popular choices. Keep an eye out for innovative materials and smart garage door technologies that will make your life more convenient and secure.

    Contact All Pro

    Ready to transform your home with a trendy garage door that enhances curb appeal and adds value? Contact All-Pro Quality Garage Doors today!

    Our expert team can help you choose the perfect garage door style that matches your vision and provides top-notch functionality. Don't miss out on the exciting garage door trends of 2023. Upgrade your home's exterior with All-Pro Quality Garage Doors.

    Don't wait - boost your home's curb appeal and value with the latest garage door trends. Contact us today!

  • September 20, 2023
    Garage Door Opener Trends and Technology

    Garage door openers have come a long way from the clunky, noisy contraptions of the past. Today, they're a perfect blend of cutting-edge technology and user-friendly design. At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we're excited to share with you the latest trends and innovations in garage door openers that can make your life more convenient and secure.

    Top Garage Door Opener Trends

    1. Remote Control Convenience

    Modern garage door openers can be controlled with the touch of a button on a remote control or even your smartphone. This means you can open or close your garage door from the comfort of your car or even when you're not at home. It's a game-changer for busy homeowners and those who value convenience.

    2. Ever-Charge Battery Backup

    Power outages can be a major inconvenience, especially if they occur when you need to access your garage. Some garage door openers now feature an "Ever-charge" battery backup system. This system ensures that your garage door opener continues to operate during power outages, keeping you in control, no matter the circumstances.

    3. Automatic Closing Feature

    Security is a top priority for homeowners. Some garage door openers offer an automatic closing feature, allowing you to program the opener to close the garage door after a set amount of time. This added layer of security ensures that your garage is always secure, even if you forget to close it.

    4. Remote Control via Internet Gateway

    Liftmaster, a leading brand in garage door openers, offers an "Internet Gateway" that takes convenience to the next level. It allows you to control your garage door opener remotely through your smartphone or computer. Whether you're at work or on vacation, you can check the status of your garage door and operate it with ease.

    Garage Door Opener Technology

    While these trends focus on the features and electronics of garage door openers, it's important to note that most advancements are related to these aspects rather than the core mechanical components. However, these technological innovations aim to simplify life and enhance convenience for homeowners.

    Force Control Settings

    Safety is paramount when it comes to garage doors. Some openers now feature a "force control" setting that adjusts the amount of power needed to operate the door safely. This ensures that the door doesn't exert excessive force, reducing the risk of accidents.

    Additional Add-Ons

    In addition to the core features, garage door opener manufacturers offer a range of add-ons that can further enhance your garage experience. These include Garage Door Monitors, Laser Garage Parking Assists, and Remote Light Controls. These accessories can make parking and maneuvering in your garage a breeze.

    What Kind of Garage Door Opener Is Right for You?

    Choosing the right garage door opener can be a daunting task with all these options. It ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some key factors to consider:

    • Convenience: If you value convenience and remote control options, a smartphone-compatible opener might be perfect for you.

    • Security: For added security, an opener with an automatic closing feature is a great choice.

    • Backup Power: If you live in an area prone to power outages, an opener with a battery backup system is essential.

    • Budget: Consider your budget and explore the options within your price range. Remember that the additional add-ons can add value to your garage door opener.

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we can help you navigate these choices and find the garage door opener that suits your needs and budget. Our team of experts is here to provide guidance and professional installation services.

    Contact All Pro

    In conclusion, garage door opener technology has come a long way, making our lives more convenient and secure. 

    Whether you're looking for the latest trends in remote control features or need a reliable battery backup system, All-Pro Quality Garage Doors has you covered. Contact us today to explore your options and ensure your garage door opener meets all your needs.

    Enhance your home's security and convenience with the latest garage door opener technology. Trust All-Pro Quality Garage Doors for all your garage door repair and replacement needs. Your satisfaction is our priority.

  • September 18, 2023
    Garage Door Spring Replacements: Everything You Need to Know

    When it comes to garage door maintenance, one of the most critical components to keep an eye on is the garage door spring. These springs play a vital role in the smooth operation of your garage door. However, like any other mechanical part, they can wear out and break over time. 

    When faced with a broken garage door spring, the big question is: should you attempt to repair it yourself or hire an expert like All-Pro Quality Garage Doors? In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make the right decision.

    Should I Repair my Garage Door Spring Myself?

    Factors to Consider

    Before you roll up your sleeves and attempt a DIY garage door spring replacement, there are several crucial factors to consider.

    • Skill Level: Are you comfortable using tools and have a good mechanical aptitude? Garage door spring replacement can be complex and dangerous if you're not experienced.

    • Tools: Do you have the necessary tools, including a ladder, sockets, wrenches, and winding bars? Without the right equipment, the job can be challenging.

    • Spring Selection: Can you obtain the right torsion springs for your specific garage door? Choosing the wrong springs can lead to complications and safety hazards.

    • Time and Effort: Consider the value of your time and effort. Garage door spring replacement can be time-consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the process.

    • Safety: Many places don't sell garage door springs to the public because of safety concerns. The springs are under high tension and can cause severe injuries if mishandled.

    The Importance of Making the Repair

    It's important to emphasize the significance of addressing a broken garage door spring promptly. A malfunctioning spring can make your garage door inoperable, leaving your vehicle trapped inside or outside your garage. It's not just a matter of convenience; it's also a security concern. A malfunctioning garage door can compromise the safety of your home.

    Pros and Cons of DIY Garage Door Spring Replacement


    • Cost Savings: DIY garage door spring replacement can save you money on labor costs.

    • Learning Experience: If you're the hands-on type, tackling this project can be a valuable learning experience.


    • Safety Risks: The primary concern with DIY garage door spring replacement is safety. Mishandling the springs can lead to serious injuries.

    • Complexity: Garage door spring replacement can be complex. Without the right knowledge, you may make mistakes that cost you more in the long run.

    • Time-Consuming: It can be a time-consuming task, especially for beginners.

    Should I Hire an Expert to Repair my Garage Door Spring?

    Pros and Cons of Using an Expert

    Hiring an expert for garage door spring replacement is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.


    • Safety: Professional technicians are trained to handle garage door spring replacement safely. This minimizes the risk of accidents.

    • Experience: They have the expertise to identify and address other potential issues with your garage door.

    • Efficiency: Professionals can complete the job more quickly and efficiently, saving you time and hassle.


    • Cost: Hiring an expert comes with a cost for labor. However it can be a worthwhile investment in your safety and peace of mind.

    • Dependency: You'll need to rely on the availability of the technician, which might not always align with your schedule.

    Contact All Pro Quality Garage Doors

    The decision to take on your garage door spring replacement ultimately depends on your skills, confidence, and willingness to prioritize safety. While DIY projects can be rewarding, safety should always be the top priority. If you're unsure about your abilities or have any concerns, it's best to contact a professional like All-Pro Quality Garage Doors.

    Remember, garage door spring replacement is not just about convenience; it's about the safety and security of your home. Contacting a trusted expert ensures that your garage door operates smoothly and reliably, giving you peace of mind.

    If you're in need of garage door spring replacement or any other garage door services, don't hesitate to reach out to All-Pro Quality Garage Doors. Our team of experienced technicians is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and ensure your garage door is in top-notch condition.

    By prioritizing safety and making informed choices, you can enjoy the benefits of a fully functional garage door without unnecessary risks. Trust the professionals at All-Pro Quality Garage Doors for all your garage door needs.

  • October 25, 2022
    Winter Wood Door Preventative Maintenance

    Winter Wood Garage Door Preventative Maintenance

    As winter approaches, it's essential to prepare your home for the cold and wet months ahead. Your garage door is a crucial yet often overlooked component of your home's defense against the elements.

    Winter weather can take a toll on your garage door and opener. Without proper care, you may find yourself facing costly repairs. That's why we want to share some essential tips for wood garage door preventative maintenance to keep it in top shape.

    Why Winter Maintenance Matters

    Winter weather is particularly harsh on garage doors and openers. Cold temperatures, rain, snow, and ice can cause problems such as moisture infiltration, excessive weight, rot, and loosening of door components. These issues can affect the functionality of your garage door and even lead to problems with your garage door opener. To avoid these headaches and ensure your garage door operates smoothly throughout the winter, it's crucial to take proactive measures.

    Moisture Protection for Wooden Garage Doors

    If you have a wooden garage door moisture protection is paramount. Wood is vulnerable to moisture, which can lead to rot, warping, and other structural issues. Here's what you need to do:

    1. Inspect Regularly

    Start by inspecting your wooden garage door for any signs of wear and tear. Look for cracks, peeling paint, or areas where the wood appears damaged.

    2. Seal the Wood

    To prevent moisture from soaking in, regularly maintain the paint or stain on your wooden garage door. A proper sealant creates a barrier that repels water and keeps your door in top condition. Make sure to use a high-quality exterior paint or stain designed for wood surfaces.

    3. Weatherstripping

    Check the weatherstripping around your garage door. It should create a tight seal to keep out drafts and moisture. Replace any worn or damaged weatherstripping to maintain an effective barrier.

    4. Clean and Repaint

    Clean your garage door regularly to remove dirt, debris, and mildew. Then, apply a fresh coat of paint or stain as needed. A well-maintained finish will not only protect the wood but also enhance the overall appearance of your garage door.

    5. Address Water Rot

    If you notice water rot or gaps in the paint on the inside of your garage door, take immediate action. Remove the damaged wood, fill any gaps, and repaint the affected area to prevent further damage.

    Benefits of Proper Maintenance

    Investing time and effort into winter wood door preventative maintenance can yield several benefits for homeowners:

    1. Longevity

    Protecting your wooden garage door from moisture and other winter-related issues extends its lifespan, reducing the need for costly replacements.

    2. Energy Efficiency

    A well-sealed garage door helps maintain a comfortable temperature inside your garage. This can also have a positive impact on your home's overall energy efficiency.

    3. Avoid Costly Repairs

    Regular maintenance can help you identify and address problems early, preventing them from escalating into costly repairs or replacements.

    4. Improved Curb Appeal

    A properly maintained garage door enhances your home's curb appeal. This is especially important if you plan to sell your home in the future.

    Optimizing for Insulated Garage Doors

    If you're considering upgrading your garage door, it's worth looking into insulated options. Insulated garage doors provide better temperature control, reduce energy costs, and offer improved durability. They also add an extra layer of protection against winter weather.


    As winter approaches, don't neglect your garage door when preparing your home for the season. By taking proactive steps to protect your wooden garage door, you can ensure it continues to function smoothly and efficiently. Proper maintenance not only extends the life of your garage door but also helps you avoid costly repairs down the road.

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we're here to assist you with all your garage door needs. From maintenance and repairs to installations of insulated garage doors, we do it all.

    Contact us today to schedule a maintenance appointment.

  • July 18, 2022
    Buying a new Garage Door

    Buying a New Garage Door: A Wise Investment for Your Home

    For home improvement projects, the garage door often takes a back seat.

    However, waiting until a garage door problem arises can lead to a series of problems and expenses. Missing work because of a malfunctioning garage door is not just frustrating; it can be costly.

    And if you think you'll find a reputable repair company at the drop of a hat, think again. Many people book the best companies in advance because their good reputation. This makes it hard to find a reputable company on short notice.

    In short, don't wait until your garage door breaks to fix or replace it!

    Go with a Garage Door Repair and Installation Company You Can Trust

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we've seen firsthand the consequences of delaying garage door maintenance or replacement. We know life is busy, meaning so home improvement projects get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. However, it's essential to be proactive rather than reactive for your garage door.

    Invest in a High-Quality Garage Door to Avoid Future Costs

    One of the most critical aspects of garage door replacement is choosing a high-quality door. Investing in a sturdy, reliable garage door now can save you a bundle in the long run. While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest option, cheap doors show signs of wear sooner than expected.

    Benefits of Buying a New Garage Door

    Investing in a new garage door offers several benefits:

    Enhanced Curb Appeal

    Your garage door is a prominent part of your home's façade. Upgrading to a new, stylish door can significantly boost your home's curb appeal. With various designs, materials, and colors available, you can choose a door that complements your home's aesthetic.

    Improved Security

    Modern garage doors come with advanced security features, such as rolling code technology and robust locking mechanisms. These features enhance the security of your home, providing peace of mind.

    Energy Efficiency

    Older garage doors may lack proper insulation, allowing cold or hot air to seep into your garage and home. A new garage door with insulation can help regulate temperature and save on energy costs.

    Quieter Operation

    If your current garage door sounds like a noisy beast, you'll appreciate the quiet operation of a new one. Designed for smooth, quiet movement, modern garage doors reduce noise disturbances.

    Types and Styles of Garage Doors

    When choosing a new garage door, you'll find a wide range of options to suit your taste and needs:

    1. Traditional Steel Garage Doors: Durable and low-maintenance, steel doors come in various panel designs and colors.

    2. Wood Garage Doors: Offering a classic and timeless look, wood doors can be stained or painted to match your home's exterior. They can provide excellent insulation.

    3. Carriage-House Garage Doors: Mimicking the look of old carriage house doors, these doors add charm and character to your home.

    4. Contemporary Garage Doors: Sleek and modern, these doors are perfect for homes with a contemporary design aesthetic. They often feature glass panels for a stylishly modern touch.

    5. Custom Garage Doors: Custom options allow you to create a door that perfectly matches your specifications.

    Tips for Choosing the Right Garage Door for You

    Here are some essential tips to help you make an informed decision:

    1. Consider Your Home's Architecture: Your garage door should complement the overall design of your home.

    2. Think About Insulation: An insulated garage door helps maintain a comfortable temperature. This is a great option if you use your garage as a workspace or have rooms above it.

    3. Prioritize Security: Opt for a garage door with robust security features to protect your belongings and family.

    4. Choose the Right Material: Consider factors like durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetics when selecting a material.

    5. Explore Opener Options: Choose a reliable and efficient opener that suits your needs. Most openers are wireless, and some even work through WiFi and connect with your phone.

    New Garage Door Installation Services

    At All-Pro Quality Garage Doors, we offer comprehensive garage door installation services. When you choose us, you'll experience:

    • Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable team will help you select the perfect garage door for your home.

    • Professional Installation: We ensure a seamless and efficient installation. Our experts are highly trained and value your satisfaction.

    • Quality Assurance: Our commitment to quality means your new garage door will function flawlessly for years to come.

    In conclusion, waiting for a garage door problem to arise can be a costly mistake. If you're ready to explore your options and experience hassle-free garage door installation, contact All-Pro Quality Garage Doors today.

    Remember: Your garage door is not just an entrance; it's an investment in your home's comfort, security, and curb appeal.

  • June 14, 2022
    Insulated Garage Doors at All-Pro

    Insulated Garage Doors at All-Pro:

    A Cool Solution for Hot Summers

    When maintaining a comfortable home environment, you may not often think about your garage. But did you know that your garage plays a significant role in regulating the temperature inside your house? If you're looking for ways to keep your home cool during the scorching summer months, insulated garage doors might just be the solution you need.

    At All-Pro QGD, we specialize in providing top-notch insulated garage door options and installation services. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of insulated garage doors over non-insulated ones, the various styles available, and how All-Pro can help you achieve a cooler home this summer.

    The Battle Against the Heat

    As the temperature soars during the summertime, the sun beats down relentlessly on your home. With its large surface area and direct exposure to sunlight, your garage can become a veritable oven, trapping heat inside. This rise in temperature can affect the rooms located directly above it, making your entire home feel like a sauna. But don't worry, insulated garage doors are a great solution to that problem!

    Benefits of Insulated Garage Doors

    1. Temperature Regulation

    The primary benefit of insulated garage doors is their ability to regulate the temperature inside your garage. They act as a barrier, preventing the heat from seeping through and turning your garage into a sweltering space. This, in turn, keeps the temperature in your upstairs rooms at a more comfortable level.

    2. Energy Efficiency

    Insulated garage doors are a boon for energy-conscious homeowners. By minimizing the heat transfer, they help reduce the strain on your home's cooling system, resulting in lower energy bills. They can also help maintain a consistent temperature inside your garage. Which is especially important if you use it as a workshop or storage space for temperature-sensitive items.

    3. Enhanced Durability

    Insulated garage doors are often constructed with multiple layers of materials. This makes them more robust and durable compared to non-insulated counterparts. They are better equipped to withstand the harsh elements and daily wear and tear, ultimately extending their lifespan.

    Insulated Garage Door Styles

    At All-Pro QGD, we understand that aesthetics matter just as much as functionality. That's why we offer a wide range of insulated garage door styles to suit your home's unique look. Here are some popular options:

    1. Traditional Steel

    Traditional steel insulated garage doors are not only energy-efficient but also offer a classic and timeless appearance. They can be customized with various panel designs and window options to match your home's architecture.

    2. Carriage House

    For a rustic and charming look, consider carriage house-style insulated garage doors. These doors mimic the appearance of old-fashioned carriage house doors while providing all the benefits of modern insulation.

    3. Contemporary

    If your home has a more modern design, opt for contemporary insulated garage doors. These doors come in sleek, minimalist designs and can be customized with different finishes and window arrangements.

    4. Wood-Look

    Looking for both the look of wood and the benefits of insulation? Wood-look insulated garage doors offer the best of both worlds. They provide the warmth and beauty of wood without the maintenance hassles.

    Insulated Garage Door Installation Services

    Choosing the right insulated garage door is just the first step towards a cooler and more energy-efficient home. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the door functions optimally. That's where All-Pro comes in. Our team of experienced professionals will expertly install your new insulated garage door, guaranteeing a perfect fit and maximum insulation performance.

    Our installation services include:

    • Precise measurement and evaluation to ensure the perfect fit for your garage.

    • Removal and disposal of your old garage door if needed.

    • Expert installation of your new insulated garage door.

    • Testing and adjustment to ensure smooth and quiet operation.

    • Thorough cleanup of the installation area, leaving your garage spotless.

    With All-Pro, you can trust that your insulated garage door will be installed correctly and efficiently. Our top priority is your peace of mind for years to come.


    As the summer heat continues to rise, it's time to take action to keep your home cool and comfortable. Insulated garage doors from All-Pro Quality Garage Doors offer a practical and stylish solution to combat the heat. With benefits like temperature regulation, energy efficiency, enhanced durability, and quieter operation, there's no reason not to make the switch.

    Choose from a variety of styles that complement your home's aesthetic. Let All-Pro handle the installation with precision and expertise.

    Invest in insulated garage doors today. Experience the difference they can make in keeping your home cool and your energy bills low. Contact All-Pro Quality Garage Doors now to learn more about our insulated garage door options and installation services.


  • October 02, 2013
    “Free” online company reviews

    Are online company reviews the latest and greatest way to find a contractor? What are the pitfalls to simply pulling a contractor off the internet based on all of their spectacular reviews? On the surface it seems fast and easy but relying on “Free online reviews” alone could be risky, as all is not always as it seems.

    “Once again something broke!”

    When you least expect it, a disaster hits home and something breaks. It could be your fridge or the water heater or one of the many other household items that is due to break at the worst possible time.

    These days when that happens, folks go online and look for a business that handles that type of repair and service but how do you know who to use? Who is honest and who’s not? In this economy, the grifters are running amok, imitating legit businesses through out America, and they are very good at camouflaging themselves amongst us. So how do you weed them out and avoid a whole lot of hassle?

    There are a whole host of websites and browsers that have companies lined up for display and now it’s your job to pick one, but how? I think I will choose the one with the best reviews!! Whew…that was easy! But hold on a minute! Are these reviews honest or even legitimate? Not necessarily!

    Reviews… how reliable are they ?

    Being in the line of work I’m in for over 25 yearsone gets to know the competition and the who’s who of the industry for one’s particular city and I would recommend that you not put all of your eggs in the review basket just yet.

    Let’s just take a minute here to spot some of the tell tale signs that a review just might not be all on the up and up. As I scan thru the reviews listed for several garage door companies in my local area (San Diego) I notice that the reviews have certain patterns and real people typically do not.

    Here are a few red flags that I noticed…

    #1-The average service company within this particular site had around 5-10 reviews, one had 75 and another had 250. Now I can see a company really hustling reviews and getting double or even triple the average but 50 times above the average? and even worse…almost all of them 5 star! All of this from a company who I personally know is short on customer service.

    #2-The reviews seem to have a pattern of coming  in rapid fire succession, 2-3 in one day then the next day a few more, then nothing for two weeks then the same pattern again, 2-3 in one day then nothing again.

    #3- The reviews also appear to have the same style of sentence formulation. In other words alot of one linereviews and all of them vague and very general in nature such as “The service tech was great, fixed my problem same day, no haggling, stuck to price, a bargain”. Can you read between the lines here? This is an advertisement for what this company thinks you are looking for, such as a friendly service tech, same day service and a bargain of a price.

    Real reviews usually come from happy customers that remember their experience with you, they usually remember the tech’s name and are glad to share their experience in fair detail (not one short sentence) with the audience that they feel could use this kind of helpful information.

    Fake reviews are seldom creative, usually short, yet always 4-5 stars and most of them pinpoint exactly what you are looking for…fast service, a bargain price and friendly, knowledgeable people. Hmmmm…ya think?

    So before you go diving headlong into choosing someone to do some repair work on or in your home based on reviews alone, think twice…slow down and take a look at the whole picture. They certainly aren’t going to write themselves a bad review, I’d put more stock into 5 bad reviews than 250- 5 star reviews, especially from a site where posting reviews is free!!

    Do they have a website?

    Do they have a physical address? or just a PO box?

    Are they licensed?

    Google them and see what pops up.

    Take the “Free reviews” into consideration, but do not put a whole lot of faith in their credibility as a stand alone source of reliable information.

    Last but not least, take a good look at any complaints that may have been registered with the BBB, those I can pretty much guarantee you…are not fake! Keep in mind, for every person that takes the time to file a complaint there are probably a dozen more unhappy customers who just let it go.

    So when disaster strikes at your house, don’t rely strictly on free online reviews or you could be opening yourself and your home up to problems and costs you weren’t expecting.

  • December 21, 2011
    All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc…Does It again!!
    If you are looking for Quality garage door service…then look no further than San Diego’s finest at All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc.
    PRLog (Press Release) – Dec 20, 2011 –
    Once again the folks at All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc. In San Diego have won the prestigious 2011 Angie’s List “Super Service” Award for excellence,making this their 5th straight win following up on wins for 2007,2008,2009,and 2010.
    When asked what their formula for success is, Paul Fadden the office manager said “Its simple, we put customer service first and sell quality garage doors and openers, we are not the cheapest but we continually prove to everyone out there that we are indeed the best.”
    When shopping for a garage door or garage door opener, people tend to look at the up- front cost and not necessarily the long term cost when comparing companies,brands and models, then when things start to fall apart two years down the road the repair bills will start to add up, so what turned out to be cheaper then is now becoming very, very expensive to keep fixing.
    So what can consumers do to better educate themselves when the time comes for a new garage door or opener? You can start with your ABC’s…
    Angie’s List, BBB and the state contractors board. From there, you can rely on a trusted dealers best advice for your particular situation, just remember…don’t get in a rush!
    Paul says-that one of the biggest mistakes people make is not realizing there are always options that are over looked when people get in a hurry to just get it done, a garage door can take up to 40% of the front look of your house, you should compliment your home with a good looking All-Pro Quality Garage Door and it will reward you with many, many years of dependable, reliable service. The good news doesn’t stop there though…because All-Pro Quality garage Doors Inc also specializes in broken spring replacements for all types of garage doors as well as garage door openers and they a huge parts department for those that would prefer just to stop by, pick up the part and install it themselves, looking for a remote control…yep All-Pro stocks most major brands.
    Choices and options abound at your one stop garage door shop and remember…
    “At All-Pro…you’ve got a friend in the business.”
    That…my friends is how you win awards!!
    All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc. Has been in business since 1989 and they are a “full service garage door company” located at 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd # F San Diego,Ca 92123 (858)576-7223
  • November 23, 2011
    Time well spent….?

    Time well spent?…. or not. “You make the call”.

    A day in the life of All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc.

    Usually starts out the same…finishes the same…with a little bit of …”the same” thrown into the middle of the day. We usually field about 200 calls a day between the three of us here in the shop, and the calls usually break down like this 25-30 of these calls are sales calls (window cleaning, janitorial services, “we’ll get you on the first page of google” calls, etc) then you have another 40-50 calls from the do-it-yourself folks out there looking for garage door and opener parts, which is always nice because we are one of the very few companies here in San Diego that actually stocks 99% of all parts, so I actually enjoy speaking with these people about parts and how to go about fixing their machines or doors. That is what we love to do! Then we get the 20-30 calls about the garage doors themselves that no one here likes to take and it starts like this…”Yeah I was wondering whats the price of your cheapest door and could you do it today?”… no one here likes these calls and for several reasons.

    People that ask that question do not care one bit about anything but cheap…cheap…cheap, and All-Pro doesn’t  do cheap nor do we like to ever use the word “Cheap” we have to warranty what we sell and cheap is never cheap down the road. Keep this in mind, cheap=expensive, but they don’t want to hear this so they quickly hang up and move on, these people are what we consider “future” All-Pro customers because I can guarantee you that they will be needing a garage door repair within the next two years, only this repair won’t be cheap. Its hard enough to keep cheap stuff running much less to fix it, you have to keep in mind that these types of products are made and designed to fail. People think since (to the average eye)  all doors look the same that they are the same and that they last the same and that they are all of the same quality but they are not, I’m not saying you have to buy the most expensive to get the best…far from it, you just need an experienced estimator that is not attached in any way to one particular brand of garage door, in other words you need an open minded person to guide you to something reasonably priced that fits your budget and your house, anyway I’m rambling again but calls like this remind me of a movie I once saw called “Ground hog day” and we will continue to get these calls every day. Its just the way it is.

    There’s always that smattering of calls through out the day from customers that we’ve dealt with before as well as the numerous property management companies and contractors that we deal with on a regular basis, now these are folks that know us…and we know them, they know what to expect from us. These are businesses that would rather have a company that is dependable and able to repair most anything and yet count on us to give them an honest opinion on what to do when something is broken, rather than just to sell them new doors and openers every time. I enjoy talking with these folks as there’s no need to try and convince them  of who we are….they already know.

    My favorite call through out the day though is the homeowner that is just starting out the process of looking for a new door or opener or both, and they have done their diligent homework and now are starting to get to the tough questions…the details if you may, such as the various types of drive systems, the type of hardware that each door come with. They want options, they want choices and they are not in a rush, so they won’t be bullied into what someone else wants them to have, now these are the customers that I enjoy speaking with, these are the folks that are willing to listen to the 25yrs of knowledge I have acquired in this business and have an open mind to what I have to say regarding doors and openers and repairs, its an opportunity for me to kick my feet up on the desk and dig into my mostly untapped thoughts on whats going to work for you. This I like!

    Last but not least there are the folks that we help out over the phone, this makes up a vast majority of our daily calls, so sale, no money, just good ol’ fashioned advice, it may be hard to believe but if you are willing to try a few things when your garage door opener or garage door is having problems, then I am certainly willing to walk you through it. There are adjustments on most openers and since there are adjustments… this means they can occasionally come out of adjustment. Sometimes its unbelievably simple, the turn of a force control dial for instance is a common one, yet few people are unaware of the fact that “Atmospheric” or weather conditions can play a major role in how your door and operator work.

    Have you ever noticed when the weather turns cold or rainy that that’s typically when things start acting up? Though it all worked fine through out the entire summer. Most times its an “adjustment” that you can do yourself, now it doesn’t mean a tweek here and there is going to solve a more complicated situation but know this…when you call around looking for advice in this business… most (and I do mean most!) companies wont give you the time of day unless it means money in their pocket, they are just not willing to go the extra mile and risk losing that easy 150 bucks and give you advice on something you could possibly do to remedy your problem. We do!! and its what makes us All-Pro Quality Garage Doors Inc.

    So to bring this thought or should I say… this article to a conclusion, if you have made it this far down the page you now have a better understanding of what we do, five days a week through out the year for over two decades……..

    Is it time well spent?….or not. “You make the Call”